Social Responsibility
Safety and health of the people working at our sites and the community that surrounds us is our highest priority and They form an integral part of our socioeconomic and inclusive development initiatives. Human rights, fair wages, gender equality, zero discrimination policy, grievances management and following ILO conventions are some of the enablers to create a healthy workplace.

Our Approach to Social Responsibility
Our social responsibility pillar is comprehensive in its scope & covers all aspects of human interface for our business processes. The programs aligned to it touch upon aspects such as safety, health, environment, community services, corporate social responsibilities, talent management, training & career growth, transparency and grievance management. It covers all human interfaces internally and externally happening throughout our business transactions.

Empowering the community has always been a key component of our business strategy. We engage with them and their families through programmes on education, sustainable livelihoods, healthcare, infrastructural development and social development. We have a dedicated budget for CSR, a defined CSR policy and a CSR committee which oversees and approves all our CSR related activities and expenditure.

We strive to create a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and workers. We encourage our employees to report safety gaps and opportunities for their improvement. This is facilitated by our IT enabled tool, Enablon, where employees can register their observations and a corrective action is then implemented. Our safety policy, safety principles and integrated safety management system work towards achieving a common goal of ‘Zero Harm’.

Our talent pool is the biggest asset that we have. It is by virtue of our Talent Management and, Learning & Development initiatives, that we have been able to become one of the most sought-after employers within the industry. Our development process begins with identification of business-wide areas for improvement, mapping them as per individual requirements and then arranging for skill enhancement programmes to the benefit of both the employees and the company.
We believe that people are our biggest strength and asset, and are the biggest enabler in delivering our vision and mission
Our Community Engagements
Birla Cellulose has been taking up need-based initiatives for people and communities. We are now in the process of bringing cultural
and socio-economic transformation. Here are some of our community welfare initiatives.
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Pledge
The WASH at the workplace Pledge ("WASH Pledge") was launched in September 2013 to address the WBCSD's Action 2020 Water Must- Have of Significantly Accelerating the progressive realization of the human right to water and sanitation, relative to the 2012 baseline. This is the societal must-have linked to the WBCSD's Vision ....
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Going Beyond Water Positive- Water Stewardship at Nagda, India
Grasim started operations at Nagda in 1954 when the remote village was uninhabited barren land. The opportunities created by Grasim have now transformed Nagda into a thriving town with a population of nearly 3 lakhs and have helped improve its socio- economic...
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