Grasim Industries Ltd’s Nagda SFD plant awarded Economic Times Promising Plants 2021

The editorial team considered the plant’s firm commitment towards environmental and social issues in the community in and around the plant along with excellence in water management, a pledge toward zero-liquid discharge, commitment towards sustainability and towards the socio-economic development of Nagda through the building of hospitals/schools and other developmental infrastructure. 

On receiving the award, in a virtual ceremony held on 30 July 2021, Mr. Dilip Gaur, Managing Director, Grasim Industries Ltd. dedicated the award to all employees and stakeholders of the Nagda SFD plant. Mr. Gaur said, “The award is a recognition for our dedication to sustainability, excellence in water management, our pledge to zero-liquid discharge, and, most importantly, our commitment to the socio-economic development of Nagda through improved healthcare, education, and infrastructure development for a better quality of life for all.”

Incorporated 10 days after Indian independence, Grasim Industries Ltd. has been one of the pioneers of ‘Make in India’ success stories.

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